
Thanks for checking out MBR...This is the primary place for news pertaining to the label and haps with it..Go to the store link to purchase... all prices include shipping in the U. S.
Contact us through the "RAD" link to the right. Thanks for your support..keep listening.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

squalora: A break...

squalora: A break...: "Been a while since i have reported on anything new and it is because there isn't any news to report on. Squalora has been laying low for the..."

Squalora is active again and it looks like they will be coming to Missoula in September. Keep watching and reading and we will keep you posted.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oh....Yeah Missoula snaps into it!

Dressing up as your favorite pro wrestler is strongly incouraged!
Here is some info ON The Pangea House...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Trashies reviews are beginning.

Classic trashies....one of my favorite tracks from the past. TAZ TATTOO!!

Check out how badly awesome folks are digging the record