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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oh....Yeah Missoula snaps into it!

Dressing up as your favorite pro wrestler is strongly incouraged!
Here is some info ON The Pangea House...

From our website, www.pangeahouse.org

    Pangea House exists to nurture our community through music, arts,
    and education.  It is a community center of sorts; owned
    by no one, working at its best when contributed to and enjoyed by
    all.  It’s a place for community, inspirations, art, music,
    Scrabble, hula hoops, Ghostbusters, root beer kegs, scavenger
    hunts, tutoring, zines, pirates, Dance Dance Revolution, knitting
    clubs, Food Not Bombs, fashion shows, themed dance parties,
    photography critiques, and anything else that might strike YOUR
    fancy. You name it, we play it, together.

    Pangea House is a place for all of us and our “highfalutin” and
    “unrealistic” dreams.  It’s a place we go to celebrate people
    while discovering potential passions within ourselves.  Pangea
    House is the birthplace of the magic in the Magic City!  Just ask
    Stardust…then you’ll know.

Brief recounting of a flood timeline:

There had already been a massive evacuation about two weeks prior to the June 20th news. We'd thought we were in the clear and the city had began to dismantle the massive dikes. Then, on Monday June 20th, the news was that we would have until the following Wednesday night at 10pm to get our things and get out; eventually, that deadline would become 6pm - and then 9am. The waters were coming.

For the next 3-5 days we assembled the same ragtag group of musicians and artists we'd put together for the first flood-scare. We worked 15 hours a day, sandbagging and evacuating. Once, on the local news' Facebook page, we saw that an elderly woman in our neighborhood needed help evacuating her home. We were close and responded 9 minutes after the posting went up. We stayed for the next half-hour before we headed across the street to help move washers and refrigerators; in that half-hour 25 people from all over Minot responded, walking through the door saying, "Am I in the right place?" There were too many hands for that house!

We helped as much as we could in Minot before the sirens were sounded and the National Guard, in Humvees, were posted on every street corner surrounding the evacuation zones. There were, at times, just six of us bagging sand - other times there were up to 16 of us trying to save a home. We descended like a swarm of friendly locusts. The news anchors said, "this is an event no man can stop..." while we tried to save as much as we could; we assumed that we wouldn't be able to defeat the flood in its entirety but that didn't mean we had to let it beat us entirely...we could win what we could win. When helping Minot became illegal and unsafe for us we headed towards some of the other towns downriver. We evacuated homes in Velva and sandbagged for hours in Burlington. 

And now? We've been waiting with bated breath. The levees they've erected have held but many homes were sacrificed in the process. We're waiting for the waters to recede. When we're allowed back in the work will begin again - and in earnest - we'll need to gut and renovate homes all over the valley. There have been 12,000 displaced citizens from about 4,100 homes. The city's people have displayed so much heart but the worst might be yet to come...

Our plans at Pangea House:

We're having all of our friends across the country (Portland, Missoula, Fargo, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago...) throw benefit shows! They had been calling and writing asking, "What can we do to help?" And we thought of this...Even if it's just an acoustic show in the park where a hat is passed...any and all fundraisers/benefits that can come our way are much much much appreciated...our big plan is to have a sort of "add-on" website...like take the server and add a page to it? or something...techies to do that, ya know...something like, "flood.pangeahouse.org" where it lists the show, who played, what the date of the rock was, and all other pertinent vitals...then, there would be some pictures "Nato rocks the crowd @ the Triple Rock!" and finally, below the pictures and videos, a final tally of the funds sent our way "$54.27" or whatever...and there would be another part - a second web page, I guess - and at the top of the page there would be a running total from all of the shows listed prior..."$857.98" and you'd scroll down the page, "$57: sump pump" and you'd see pictures of the pump in action, helping Old Mable from down the street, etc....and all of it would be completely transparent...the money would just be stopping over, we would just hold onto it for a second before it makes its way - a la' School House Rocks' "Bill" - towards its end place, helping someone, somewhere...if we end up with excess we'll probably just donate it to the soup kitchen or something...ultimately, we'll just use the money to help as directly as possible because this TREMENDOUS disaster is going to need to be cleaned up after for months and months and months..

We're going to be setting up a Paypal account on that page as well. I'm not sure what the website will actually be but it will be up soon and I'll send it your way!

Check out a video about Pangea House: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rKn9PmBjEM

1 comment:

  1. "Did it!"-Montanans came out in full force last night and put forth two hundred and three dollars in donations. Thanks to those who came out and supported a good cause. Thanks to Tonight We Ride and Hurdles for traveling to Missoula. Thanks to Total Combined Weight, Haymarket Overture and Tyson Ballew and crew for bringing forth the local support. To quote Macho Man Randy Savage-"You will eat my rear rockets and like it! Ohhhh yeahhh!"
